Monday, August 4, 2008


No, not the band.

I'm a huge conspiracy buff. UFOs, cryptozoology, Nazis on the moon, etc. are all fun areas of discussion and an interesting look into the human mind. I take everything with a grain (or two) of salt but I like to keep an open mind.

As far as 9/11 goes, I don't believe our government blew up the twin towers, but they sure as hell took advantage of the situation to further a very conservative agenda and the military industrial complex has been well-served by a pervasive fear of the boogie man out to get us and our way of life.

A week after 9/11, letters containing a possible military-grade of anthrax were mailed to several politicians and other high profile people. They invoked all of the keywords to make it seem like yet another Islamist attack with more to come. Politicians and the media at the time went into full scare mode and in some small (or not) way, it helped us get into the current mess we find ourselves in Iraq.

It turns out now that the anthrax came from our very own research labs and the leading suspect (who committed suicide last week) was a conservative (Catholic) Christian. Please read the following article from with an open mind. As I said, I love conspiracy theories, but sometimes, there is more than a grain of truth at the heart of something you might dismiss as just another crackpot idea: