Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Making sound permanent

So you goof around with an instrument or think you've got a half-descent voice and would like to do voice-overs or radio work. You've got a PC or a Mac, a cheap headset microphone and whatever comes with your OS to record with. Suddenly you find nothing sounds right once you record it and play it back. Want to know why? It's because you need tools specific to the task at hand, making sounds permanent digitally. That's when the trouble starts, the bug bites, the audio geek in you comes out and you find that spending a lot of money is the only way to make it sound "right"!

If you find yourself in this position, check out They have a blog and a great podcast about recording at home. Sure they cover the higher end stuff like Logic Studio and Reason, but they also give tips on how to make Garageband work for you on a modest budget.

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